Seller Resources

What sellers want
Every seller wants a process that gains them the maximum possible price, and importantly, avoids unnecessary stress. Here’s an overview of stages involved that shows you how to do that!

Preparing your home

Prepare your home for sale by cleaning, decluttering, and making any necessary repairs or improvements. This will help make your home more appealing – and more marketable — to potential buyers.

Partnering with a Listing Agent

This is key to a successful sale! Be wary of agents who offer an unrealistic price … their motivation is to get the listing, but potential buyers often react negatively to the price and start searching for better value elsewhere. The listing agent might eventually ask you to lower the price, one or even more times, by which time many buyers have moved on and the property might even become stigmatized on the market.

A better approach is to determine the listing price by carefully checking current market data, and taking into account size, view and other factors that position your home. Creating strong buyer interest and generating multiple offers is the path to success here.

Testing the market by connecting to local agent networks

You can use this stage to connect with off-market buyers, and to check your pricing strategy. Off-market buyers tend to be more qualified and ready to move forward. Private showings allow off-market buyers to connect with your property in a more engaging way.

Ready to hit the market

If you feel your home deserves a better price, you don’t have to accept offers from off-market buyers; you can access the majority of buyers by going live on the market. Broker tours, open houses and private showings are an important part of this stage.

Reviewing offers and negotiations

As offers start coming in, your listing agent will help you review and evaluate them, considering factors such as the offer price, contingencies, closing timeline and perceived willingness of the buyer to proceed. Reaching an agreement that works for both parties might require a period of intense negotiation.

Once you have accepted an offer, the buyer needs to complete their contingencies (if any), for example, inspections and lender requirements.

Closing Process

Finally, the closing process involves signing the necessary paperwork to transfer ownership of the property to the buyer, receiving payment for the sale, and handing over the keys. Throughout the entire process, effective communication, organization, and collaboration with your real estate agent will be key to a successful and smooth home selling experience.

Why Me?

I’ll cut to the chase. A major reason for working with me is that unlike many other agents, I – and my team – work in the realm of realistic expectations. I use data to inform you of the likely true value of your property so that you can make informed decisions, and I also use data to tailor my marketing strategy, always in collaboration with you. Beware! Many agents in are unrealistic in their pricing, and then spend time asking the seller multiple times to drop the asking price, by which time the property has gone stale in the eyes of potential buyers.

My aim is always to meet the market with a properly priced home, generating interest and competition, and ensuring that your property sells quickly at maximum market value.

For example, at my most recent two listings at 340 Ritch Street, I was able to attain significant over-asking after increasing the listing price when they hit the market.

As a result of changed arrangements with buyer agents, we expect dealing with buyers to become more complex, and I appreciate that this has the potential to make the home selling process more stressful but I’m here to eliminate unnecessary stress for you, and get the job done.

You will always know what’s happening. I use your preferred channel/s to keep you up to date, and to prepare you for the next step.

While your property is on the market, I put in a special effort to maintain it in its best condition.

So, if you're ready to collaborate on a successful home-selling journey with a team that values your unique needs, let’s embark on this home selling journey!

At the core of my home-selling methodology is a deep understanding of my clients' unique needs and goals. To achieve success in the dynamic San Francisco real estate market, I believe in positioning your property strategically, leveraging its strengths, and ensuring proper preparation tailored to your budget and preferences. By doing so, we aim to place your property in the most advantageous position within the market landscape. But that's not all – I also believe in presenting your home in the best possible light to attract the most qualified and highest-value buyers from the buyer pool. To support your decision-making process, I provide you with the most comprehensive data available, empowering you to make informed choices every step of the way. Your home-selling journey is not just a transaction; it's a partnership built on trust, data-driven insights, and a commitment to realizing your goals."

I’m here to help you maximize the value of your property and to ensure a smooth home-selling process in this market!